50th Anniversary Task Force

The Task Force will be charged to develop an overall project plan for the events and communication plan surrounding the 50th Anniversary of Big Canoe. They will also be charged with coordinating the resources necessary to implement the events and associated communications. The festivities will be developed with the resident’s overall benefit and enjoyment in mind.
The Task Force will consist of three (3) to five (5) residents. The Chairperson will determine the final number. Potential members shall be solicited broadly across the community.
Ellen Sheridan
Susan Willson
Judi Schoeler Scribe
Mark Green
Brad Herren
Bob Mackey
Tim Moran
Barbara Schneider
Carolyn Littell

To be eligible residents must: (i) be in good standing with the Big Canoe Property Owners Association (“POA”) throughout their term in office; (ii) express an interest in the general affairs of Big Canoe and in the project itself; (iii) be able to commit to the time required to serve effectively; and (iv) be capable of providing meaningful voluntary assistance in support of the project deliverables.
Task Force members, as volunteers, serve freely without compensation.
The Task Force may appoint a sub-Committee(s) from among its membership or from the community at large and may delegate any of its authority, duties, and function to such.
Task Force members report to the Chairperson who in turn reports to the General Manager. The Task Force is advisory and has no authority to incur any expenses on behalf of the Association or to obligate the Association in any way.
The Task Force will develop interactive community events highlighting the historical and lifestyle benefits of Big Canoe. It will focus on combining efforts with 2022 Big Canoe sponsored events to eliminate redundancy and reduce cost.
The Chairperson shall determine a preliminary budget in 2020 and shall request monies for the calendar year 2021 from the POA for the implementation of the Big Canoe Jubilee. In 2021, the sub-committees shall determine their budgetary needs for the calendar year 2022 and report such to the Chairperson who shall request the necessary funds from the POA.
The Task Force shall meet at a frequency to be determined by the Chairperson. Minutes will be recorded at each meeting. The Chairperson will appoint a Secretary to record the minutes at each meeting, keep a record of current membership and maintain appropriate documents on the POA Website. The Chairperson will frequently audit the POA Website to verify that such information is correct and current.Decisions or recommendations of the Task Force are approved by a simply majority vote of members present and voting since voting by proxy is prohibited. A majority of the Task Force members shall constitute a quorum to transact the business of the Task Force and the act of the majority of the Task Force members present at any meeting shall be deemed to be the act of the Task Force in its entirety. A Task Force member who is absent from three (3) of the regularly scheduled Task Force meetings in a twelve (12) month period will be considered to have resigned from the Task Force. The POA Board may waive such resignation for a documented (i) extended illness; (ii) emergency; or (iii) other good cause at the request of the Chairperson.
The Task Force is authorized to consult with management staff members involved in the activities of the Task Force but shall not direct the activities of any POA employee.
I. The Chairperson shall use best efforts to finalize Task Force membership by January 1, 2021. The project, and the Task Force itself, shall terminate at midnight on December 31, 2022.
II. The Task Force Chairperson may serve on the Task Force and will be appointed annually by the General Manager with Task Force input. The Chairperson may be appointed for consecutive one (1) year terms but will not be appointed for more than two (2) consecutive one-year terms. Task Force members will be appointed for up to two (2) year terms beginning at any time during the year.
III. The Chairperson, in collaboration with the staff contact and/or General Manager will select new members to fill vacancies on the Task Force as terms expire or upon a member’s resignation.
IV. The General Manager may remove a Task Force member for cause. Causes may include, but are not limited to:
a. Any act of harassment or abuse toward other Task Force members, general volunteers, or POA Staff.
b. Participating in the reckless or intentional misrepresentation of information related to the POA.
c. Soliciting for personal gain while acting as a Committee member.
d. Communicating with any vendor or supplier regarding bids or current services without express written approval of the General Manager.
e. Failing to disclose to the General Manager any personal or business relationship with any vendor or person if the Task Force has made any recommendation regarding a new or existing contract with such vendor or person.
f. Missing three (3) consecutive Task Force meetings or more than 25% of the scheduled meetings in any twelve (12) month period.
g. Is no longer in good standing with the POA. h. Any disclosure of confidential information without the POA board’s written consent.
Susan Willson
Ellen Sheridan