Sports Court Advisory


The Sports Court Construction Committee is an advisory resource to the Racquet Club Manager and Director of Operations. The Committee is tasked to review and approve specifications for the construction of a new sports court and provide recommendations through the bid process.


Membership & Qualifications

The maximum number of members is 6 plus chair. Members must be Property Owners in good standing. The members are chosen for their interest in the various aspects of the Basketball amenity.

Reporting & Authority

The Sports Court committee advises the Racquet Club Manager and the Director of Operations through the Chairman, who also determines the frequency of meetings.


The prescribed term is for four months of service.


The role of the Committee is to review and approve plans and specifications of the construction of a new sports court and to provide advice and insight on design. Committee should be available to the Operations Director during construction for any advice that he may require.


Meetings are held as needed over the next four months. Meeting Minutes are posted on the POA Website.


This Charter is adopted effective January 4, 2021.


Geoff Hedges

Head Racquet Professional

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